... Interference 4b1LjfQ" >target="_blank"
DJ Di'jital - Dijital's Revenge phMbBSY" >target="_blank"
DJ Di'jital - Cosmic Position yIm6mUc" >target="_blank"
Autobot-1000 - Electro
2019-05-17 06:30:13
... >target="_blank"
____________________________Evan King - Odin____________________ RzICVRw" >target="_blank"
____________________World Of Tanks - Move To Position______________ GE0ng0o" >target="_blank"
________________War Thunder: Ground Forces - Bat...
2019-04-21 23:38:48
Így mondja az angol
... eleget
Even God cannot satisfy everyone

Az Isten sem siet, sem késik
God neither hurries, nor is late

Felvitte az Isten a dolgát
God has taken him to a high position
He got into well-being or a high position

Isten malmai lassan őrölnek, de biztosan
The mills of God grind slowly, but surely

Isten nem ver bottal...
2016-08-25 16:36:00
Ez történt ma
... the next 40 years, he traveled throughout Italy even reaching Bohemia. John of Capistrano acted as an agent of the Church, attacking Jews and heretics and did his best to undermine their positions. He did not hesitate to chastise the pope on occasion for being too lenient. He even convinced the Queen of Naples to cancel any rights given to the Jews and to reinstate all anti-Jewish...
2014-01-16 21:40:44
Ez törtét ma
... treaty in which the local Lords and Bishops promise for the next four years to protect "...laymen, merchants, women (lest they be raped) and Jews." Although on the surface it seemed to be a positive move, in reality it made the Jews more dependent on the will of the Crown and led them to a position of semi-serfdom.

1109 TIBERIAS (Eretz Israel)
Fell to the Crusa...
2014-01-01 16:22:42
Ez történt - Október 9.-én
... in the East, for all intents and purposes, has already been decided in favour of the Reich.

1942. October 9. The Red Army ends its system of dual leadership by abolishing the position of the Communist political commissar in favor of a single military commander in its various units.

2013-10-09 09:17:28
Ez történt - Július 7.-én
... Army in the Carentan area of the Cotentin peninsula are blunted by violent German counter-attacks.

1944: Vice-Admiral Nagumo and General Saito, commit suicide as the Japanese position on Saipan deteriorates.

Chrysler Corporation Ad - July 1945

2013-07-07 08:13:41
Ez történt - Június 29.-én
Június 29.

1494 June 29, JOHN I (Poland)
A fire broke out, destroying part of the city of Cracow. The Jews were accused of setting the fire and attacked. King John ordered them to leave the city and move to the "suburb" of Kazimierz, which became the first Polish ghetto. Jews were confined to the ghetto until 1868.

1654 June 29, CUENCA (Spain)
57 ...
2013-06-29 01:10:00
Ez történt - Június 5.-én
... divisions, including 10 Panzer division's. Army Group B, with 50 divisions, opens the offensive against the French left wing which is anchored along the Somme for 120 miles, in fortified positions known as the Weygand Line, just 100 miles from Paris. Charles de Gaulle is appointed as French Under Secretary of State for War.

1940: Hauptmann. Mölders, leader of III/JG 53...
2013-06-05 05:36:30
Ez történt - Május 27.-én
... Megtorlásul a németek a földdel teszik egyenlővé a közeli Lidice bányászfalut, férfilakosságát kivégzik, a nőket pedig koncentrációs táborba zárják (vö. 1945. június 18.).

1940: British position in Flander's worsens as King Leopold of Belgium surrenders the remnants of his Army.

1940: British sugar ration reduced from 12oz to 8oz.

1940: Japanese ...
2013-05-27 09:34:36
1 2 3 4 5 
Címkék: Cosmic Position, Evan King, World Of Tanks, Move To Position, Ground Forces, Even God, Eretz Israel, Vice-Admiral Nagumo, General Saito, Chrysler Corporation Ad, JOHN, King John, Army Group, Weygand Line, French Under Secretary, King Leopold, high position, positive move, single military, fire broke, földdel teszik, közeli Lidice, nőket pedig, férfilakosságát, koncentrációs, interference, deteriorates, bányászfalut, corporation, megtorlásul, abolishing, leadership, throughout, capistrano, destroying, surrenders, attacking, communist, photoshop, positions, appointed, political, commander, egyenlővé, reinstate, kazimierz, undermine, hauptmann, convinced, commissar, peninsula, dependent, fortified, offensive, secretary, including, merchants, divisions, position, carentan, anchored, tiberias, attacked, heretics, biztosan, positive, although, military, division, purposes, japanese,
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